By Cameron Sinclaire
Ingrown Hairs: The Unwanted Side-Effect of Shaving
What are Ingrown Hairs?
Ingrown hairs - medically known as pseudofolliculitis barbae - normally spring up in places where you would usually shave, such as the armpits, legs, beard, chest, or groin. But they can appear anywhere on your body that you have hair! Quite simply, they are hairs that grow in the skin, instead of out of the skin. This can often cause inflammation and irritation around the tiny bump.
Why Do We Get Ingrown Hairs?
Shaving is one of the worst culprits when it comes to getting ingrown hairs. Waxing, done by a professional, can greatly reduce the chances of you getting ingrown hairs. But why do we get them?
Well, there are a lot of reasons why we can get ingrown hairs, but here are the most common reasons:
Shaving or waxing at home
Wearing clothes that are too tight (leggings, tights, etc.)
Having dry skin / not exfoliating well enough
Having naturally curly hair makes you more susceptible
Sometimes, dead skin can clog the hair follicle, and that’s why it’s important to exfoliate! Other times, shaving your legs cuts the hair close to your skin, creating a sharp end. This piece of hair can dig into your skin rather than growing out, causing irritation.
What are the Symptoms of Ingrown Hairs?
Usually, it is quite obvious when you have an ingrown hair because you can see the hair growing under the skin. However, that is not always the case. Here are some common symptoms to help you identify the ingrown hairs:
A red spot on the skin, which can cause discomfort
A black dot or squiggly line under the skin
Slight swelling and tenderness in the affected area
If infected, some heat and feeling generally unwell
How Do You Treat Ingrown Hairs?
Treating ingrown hairs is a simple task for somebody who knows what they’re doing, which is why we would always recommend seeing a professional. Seeing a waxing professional will ensure that you don’t make the problem worse and end up with a nasty infection. Here at Melanie’s Day Spa, our trained and professional estheticians are able to treat your ingrown hair with ease (and probably some joy!).
How Can You Prevent Ingrown Hairs?
There are several things you can do to prevent ingrown hairs, but in our professional opinion, here are some of the most important tips:
Instead of shaving or waxing at home, get your wax done by a professional. Our waxing professionals know exactly the length of hair needed for a safe wax, and be able to do it in such a way that prevents hair breakages and clogged follicles!
It’s incredibly important to follow your waxing professional’s aftercare instructions!
Exfoliate your skin thoroughly and regularly. This scrubs away any dead skin that might clog your hair follicles, leaving your skin silky smooth.
Wear loose clothing after your waxing session to give your skin some air!
Moisturize every day!
Use an antibacterial body wash or moisturizer. Products that are naturally antibacterial, such as aloe vera, work well.
Ingrown hairs are a common problem, but if you look after your skin properly and follow your waxing professional’s advice, these pesky little hairs can be kept in check. Book your waxing appointment now, or call for a free consultation!